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FERC Approves Reliability Standard PRC-005-3

On February 19, 2015, in Docket No. RM14-12, FERC issued a final rule approving proposed Reliability Standard MOD-031-1, Demand and Energy Data, and changes to the terms “Demand Side Management” and “Total Internal Demand.” The standard authorizes system planners and operators to collect data to support reliabilities studies. NERC submitted a petition seeking Commission approval of the proposed standard on May 13, 2014, and on September 18, 2014, FERC published a NOPR proposing to approve the standard. In its final rule, the Commission directed NERC to submit modifications to MOD-031-1 to clarify certain obligations to provide data and to consider how to deal with data requests seeking confidential information.

To view the final rule, click here.