FERC Denies Rehearing from Order Approving Reliability Standard BAL-001-2
- Filter By Electric Reliability Law Blog
On September 1, 2015, in Docket No. RM14-10, FERC issued an order denying a request for rehearing from Order No. 810, issued on April 16, 2015, approving Reliability Standard BAL-001-2, Real Power Balancing Control Performance, and requiring NERC to submit an informational filing with data from the first two years of operations under the new standard. Following Order No. 810, Powerex Corp filed a request for clarification or rehearing, asking the Commission to require balancing authorities to publish data that would allow market participants to monitor the implementation of BAL-001-2 and to expand the scope of NERC's informational filing. The Commission denied Powerex's request.
To view FERC's order, click here.