FERC Approves Motion to Defer Implementation of Pending Versions of Reliability Standard PRC-005
- Filter By Electric Reliability Law Blog
On December 4, 2015, in Docket Nos. RM14-8, RD15-3, and RM15-9, FERC issued an order accepting NERC’s November 13, 2015 motion to defer the implementation of certain Reliability Standards. This order will defer the implementation of Commission-approved Reliability Standards PRC-005-3, PRC-005-3(i), and PRC-005-4 until after the Commission issues a final order on Reliability Standard PRC-005-6, Protection System, Automatic Reclosing, and Sudden Pressure Relaying Maintenance. PRC-005-6 would revise the standard to include the supervisory devices associated with certain automatic reclosing relays as part of applicable entities’ required protection system maintenance programs.
To view the order, click here.