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FERC Issues Order 822 Conditionally Approving Revised CIP Standards

On January 21, 2016, in Docket No. RM15-14, FERC issued Order 822 conditionally approving NERC’s proposed revisions to the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards subject to certain directives for modifications.  The order adopts NERC’s proposal subject to certain modifications.  FERC directed NERC to develop modifications (1) to address transient electronic devices used at low-impact bulk electric system (BES) cyber systems, (2) to the definition of low-impact external routable connectivity (LERC), and (3) for the protection of communication networks between control centers commensurate with risks to the BES.  NERC must also complete a study of the effectiveness of CIP remote access controls, risks posed by remote access-related threats and vulnerabilities, and any appropriate mitigating controls that can be considered.  The Commission declined to address the issue of supply chain risk management in this order, electing instead to address the issue at a later time after considering input received in the upcoming January 28, 2016 technical conference that will focus on this issue.  In addition, representatives of the FERC Office of Electric Reliability and the General Counsel’s Office gave a summary presentation regarding the order.  NERC submitted its proposed revisions on February 13, 2015.

To view the order, click here.

To view the staff presentation, click here.

To view the press release, click here.