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NERC Issues Comments on FERC NOI

On April 25, 2016, in Docket No. RM16-6, NERC submitted comments on FERC’s February 18, 2016 Notice of Inquiry (“NOI”) regarding whether to reform the Commission’s rules and regulations to address primary frequency response.  FERC issued the NOI seeking comment on possible actions to ensure that the provision of primary frequency response continues to remain at levels adequate to maintain the reliability of the Bulk-Power System in light of the ongoing transformation of the nation’s generation mix.  NERC’s comments agree with FERC that currently available data demonstrates that additional measures could mitigate the risk of declining frequency response resources and ensure that sufficient frequency response capability is available and ready to respond to support reliability and system restoration.  NERC also offers several comments for FERC’s consideration as it determines which mechanisms it should require to ensure the availability of adequate frequency response capability.

To view NERC’s Comments, click here