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NERC Submits Comments on BAL-002-2 NOPR

On July 25, 2016, in Docket No. RM16-7, NERC submitted comments on FERC’s May 19, 2016 NOPR proposing to approve Reliability Standard BAL-002-2, Disturbance Control Standard – Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event.  NERC submitted the Reliability Standard on January 29, 2016.  In its comments, NERC suggests that FERC’s proposal to require the Reliability Coordinator to authorize any extension of the 15-minute Contingency Event Recovery Period is unnecessary.  NERC also notes that the Commission’s concern with the potential for unlimited resets of the 90-minute Contingency Reserve Restoration Period is misplaced given resource limitations and the requirements of Reliability Standard BAL-001-2.

To view NERC’s comments, click here