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NERC Issues 2016 Long Term Reliability Assessment, Identifies Challenges Related to Natural Gas and Essential Reliability Services, and Distributed Energy Resources

On December 15, 2016, NERC issued its 2016 Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA). The 2016 LTRA identifies natural gas dependency, distributed energy resource challenges maintaining essential reliability services as the generation resource mix changes as three of the most pressing emerging reliability issues facing bulk power system reliability.  The report shows substantive plans for maintaining capacity resources beyond 2021 and concludes that anticipated reserve margins are sufficient across North America for the next five years. However, it indicates unconfirmed retirements totaling 3.3 GW and 7 GW in MISO and ERCOT respectively occurring as early as 2018, which could compromise resource adequacy with the needed replacement capacity.

To view NERC’s announcement, click here.

To view the 2016 LTRA, click here.