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NERC Submits Revisions to Hearing Rules of Procedure

On December 9, 2016, in Docket No. RR17-2, NERC submitted a petition seeking Commission approval of revisions to its Rules of Procedure to implement new hearing procedures for Regional Entities. The current Rules of Procedure contemplate that certain hearings may be conducted by each Regional Entity. NERC proposes revisions to incorporate the Consolidated Hearing Process within the Rules of Procedure, which would provide Regional Entities an option to select NERC to manage the hearing process. NERC’s proposed revisions affect the following sections of the Rules of Procedure: Section 400, Compliance Enforcement; Appendix 2, Definitions Used in the Rules of Procedure; and Appendix 4C, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program.

To view NERC’s petition, click here.