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NERC Submits Revisions to Violation Risk Factors for Reliability Standard BAL-002-2

On August 14, 2017, in Docket No. RD17-6-000, NERC submitted proposed revisions to the Violation Risk Factors (VRFs) for Requirements R1 and R2 of Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 (Disturbance Control Standard – Contingency Reserve for Recovery from Balancing Contingency Event). Reliability Standard BAL-002-2 reflected “medium” VRF designations for all requirements. In Order No. 835, the Commission approved Reliability Standard BAL-002-2, but directed NERC to modify the VRF designations for Requirements R1 and R2 of the standard from “medium” to “high”. After re-examining the VRF designations for Requirements R1 and R2, NERC proposed revisions to the VRFs, which were approved by the NERC Board on August 10, 2017. NERC now submits this filing and requests Commission approval of the VRF revisions.

To view NERC’s filing, click here.