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NERC Submits Motion to Intervene in CAISO Transferred Frequency Response Agreements

On September 21, 2017, in Docket Nos. ER17-2387-000, ER17-2393-000, and ER17-2398-000, NERC submitted a doc-less motion to intervene in the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) transferred Frequency Response agreements. In Docket Nos. ER17-2387, ER17-2393, and ER17-2398, the CAISO requested Commission approval for Transferred Frequency Response Agreements between CAISO and Bonneville Power Administration, Grant County Public Utility District, and Chelan County Public Utility District respectively, intended to support CAISO’s compliance with NERC Reliability Standard BAL-003-1.1. NERC filed this motion to intervene, stating its substantial interest in these proceedings.

To view NERC’s motion, click here.