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NERC Submits Motion to Answer Comments on Proposed Changes to NERC Rules of Procedure

On October 17, 2017, in Docket No. RR17-6-000, NERC submitted a motion to answer the joint comments of the Alberta Electric System Operator, the California Independent System Operator Corporation, the Independent Electricity System Operator, ISO New England, Inc., and PJM Interconnection, LLC. The joint comments request that the Commission reject and remand NERC’s proposed changes to the NERC rules of procedure. NERC hopes to respond to those comments to ensure that the Commission has an accurate record regarding the difference between the intent of Reliability Standard PER-005-2 (Operations Personnel Training) and the Continuing Education Program for the Personnel Certification Program under Sections 900 and 600 of the NERC Rules of Procedure (“ROP”).

To view NERC’s motion, click here.