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NERC Submits Errata to Remedial Action Scheme Implementation Plan

On May 30, 2018, in Docket No. RM15-13-___, NERC submitted an errata to incorporate additional necessary implementation from the Implementation Plan associated with Reliability Standard PRC-023-3. These provisions were inadvertently omitted from the Remedial Action Scheme Implementation Plan and previous errata to that Implementation Plan, filed on September 15, 2017. The PRC-023-3 Implementation Plan included provisions for load-responsive phase protection systems on certain designated circuits pursuant to Requirement R6. The provisions allow applicable Registered Entities to comply with Requirements R1, R2, and R3 for those systems the latter of the first day of the first calendar quarter 39 months following notification by the Planning Coordinator of a circuit’s inclusion on a list of circuits per application of Attachment B, or the first day of the first calendar year in which any criterion in Attachment B applies, unless the Planning Coordinator removes the circuit from the list before the applicable effective date. The previously filed errata inadvertently omitted the application of the 39-month period to Requirement R1. As a result, NERC has submitted this second errata. 

To view NERC’s filing, click here.