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NERC Submits Amendments to WECC Bylaws

On September 18, 2018, in Docket No. RR18-10-000, NERC submitted a petition for approval of amendments to the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Bylaws. The proposed amendments attempt to: (1) bring the WECC mission into harmony with the mission of the Electric Reliability Organization; (2) remove and/or revise obsolete and outdated definitions; (3) update voting and notice requirements to reflect the use of technology; (4) codify the WECC practice of providing member representation on the Nominating Committee; (5) clarify the process for filling vacant director positions; (6) streamline committee governance language by removing committee descriptions and governance requirements from the WECC Bylaws as they are covered by WECC-Board approved committee charters; (7) remove standards development procedures from the WECC Bylaws; and (8) remove obsolete language related to WECC’s 2014 transition to an independent organization.

To view NERC’s petition, click here.