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NERC Submits Revisions to Standard Processes Manual

On November 19, 2018, in Docket No. RM13-11-000, NERC submitted a petition for approval of proposed revisions to the Standard Processes Manual, Appendix 3A to the NERC Rules of Procedure (ROP). The NERC Standards Processes Manual describes the policies and procedures for development, approval, revision and withdrawal of Reliability Standards and associated documents. NERC has proposed the following types of revisions: (1) improvements upon existing standard processes, including major revisions to the processes for field tests (Section 6.0) and posting of supporting technical documents (Section 11.0), and targeted revisions to the processes for appeals (Section 8.0) and Interpretations (Section 7.0), (2) revisions to clarify existing processes, including processes for standards balloting and responding to comments (Section 4.0), developing Variances (Section 9.0), and periodic reviews (Section 13.0), and (3) revisions to streamline language, correct capitalization or titles of documents, and make other necessary updates (Sections 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 10.0, 16.0).

To view NERC’s filing, click here.