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FERC Approves Revisions to ReliabilityFirst Corporation Bylaws

On May 8, 2020, in Docket No. RR20-1-000, FERC issued a letter order approving revisions to the ReliabilityFirst Corporation Bylaws. The amendments involve: (1) selection of a lead Independent Director; (2) appointment of the ReliabilityFirst Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) as a non-voting ex officio Board member; (3) establishment of term limits for ReliabilityFirst Board (“Board”) members, and; (4) amendment of Board voting requirements to approve the ReliabilityFirst CEO’s annual compensation. ReliabilityFirst also elects to incorporate and adopt NERC’s Consolidated Hearing Process, in lieu of the current Regional Hearing Process. FERC received no adverse comments on the proposed amendments.

To view FERC’s order, click here.