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NERC Submits Comments on Potential CIP Enhancements NOI

On August 24, 2020, in Docket No. RM20-12-000, NERC and the six Regional Entities submitted comments in response to the FERC Notice of Inquiry (NOI) regarding Potential Enhancements to the CIP Reliability Standards. Specifically, the Commission seeks comment on (1) whether certain subcategories from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (NIST Framework) are adequately addressed by the CIP Reliability Standards; and (2) the potential risk of a coordinated cyber-attack on geographically distributed targets and whether modifications to the CIP Reliability Standards would be appropriate to address such risk. NERC and the Regional Entities support continued efforts to strengthen cyber security. In the comments, they describe how the current CIP Reliability Standards, in combination with CIP Reliability Standards coming into effect, those in development, and non-standards activities, address the areas in the NIST Framework identified by the Commission in the NOI. They also discuss their focus on assessing the emerging risk of a coordinated cyber-attack against dispersed geographical targets and activities designed to mitigate the risk.

To view the comments, click here.