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NERC Submits Compliance Filing on 5-Year Order

On May 19, 2021, in Docket No. RR19-7-002, NERC submitted a compliance filing in response to FERC’s Order on Compliance Filings For the Five-Year Performance Assessment. The order, issued January 19, 2021: (1) accepted NERC’s compliance filings, including modifications to the NERC Rules of Procedure (ROP), submitted in accordance with the Commission’s order accepting NERC’s 2019 Five-Year Performance Assessment and (2) directed NERC to submit an additional compliance filing to: (i) further clarify information sharing between NERC and the E-ISAC as it relates to the development of Reliability Standards; and (ii) revise its ROP to explicitly require that NERC share all Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) All Points Bulletins (APBs) with the Commission no later than at the time of issuance. In the compliance filing, NERC provides additional clarification regarding information sharing between NERC and E-ISAC and proposes revisions to Section 1003 of the ROP to require NERC to provide all E-ISAC APBs to the Commission.

To view NERC’s filing, click here.