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NERC Submits Motion to Intervene and Comment on Cybersecurity Incentive Complaint

On October 14, 2021, in Docket No. EL21-105-000, NERC submitted a Motion to Intervene and Comment on a complaint regarding cybersecurity incentives. The Complaint, filed by George R. Cotter on September 10, 2021, is related to FERC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Cybersecurity Incentives. NERC’s motion notes that it is difficult to ascertain exactly what the Complaint is asserting. NERC also argues that the Complaint includes errors describing NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and operations and planning Reliability Standards and seems to allege a gap in Reliability Standards based on these misunderstandings. In addition, NERC asserts that the Complaint fails to meet the minimum requirements for filing a complaint under Commission rules and fails to present a request for relief within the scope of section 215(d)(5) of the FPA. Ultimately, NERC requests that the Commission deny the Complaint.

To view NERC’s filing, click here.