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NERC Submits BES Informational Filing

On December 17, 2021, in Docket No. RM20-8-000, NERC submitted an informational filing regarding Bulk Electric System (BES) operations in the cloud as directed by FERC in its December 17, 2020 Order. This filing: (1) addresses the status of NERC’s formal process to assess the feasibility of voluntarily conducting BES operations in the cloud in a secure manner, (2) evaluates potential modifications to the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards to facilitate expanded use of the cloud, and (3) considers topic areas raised in comments to a previously issued Notice of Inquiry (NOI). In the filing, NERC acknowledges that continued assessment of the feasibility and security of BES reliability operating services in the cloud is appropriate and necessary.

To view NERC’s filing, click here.