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NERC Compliance Process Bulletin No. 2010-001: Update to Interim TFE Program

On January 27, 2010, NERC issued Compliance Process Bulletin No. 2010-001 regarding the interim program for Technical Feasibility Exceptions (TFEs) under Reliability Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009, Versions 1 and 2. With respect to Version 3 of the CIP Reliability Standards, which NERC submitted to FERC on December 29, 2009, NERC explains that the Version 3 Standards also would be subject to the TFE process set forth in this Bulletin. This Bulletin is being issued in response to the January 21, 2010, FERC order approving the proposed revisions to the NERC Rules of Procedure to establish a permanent TFE program, subject to revisions to be submitted in a compliance filing. To view Compliance Process Bulletin No. 2010-001, click here.