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NERC Submits Compliance Filing requesting Extension of date for Submittal of Technical Feasibility Exceptions Evaluation

On January 11, 2010, in Docket Nos. RR09-9-002, RR08-6-004, and RR07-14-004, NERC submitted a “partial” compliance filing in response to the Commission’s October 15, 2009, Order on the 2010 Business Plans and Budgets of NERC and Regional Entities. NERC’s partial compliance filing responds to the Commission's directive in the October 15 Order that NERC submit an evaluation of the adequacy of ERO and Regional Entity resources for implementing the processing of technical feasibility exceptions (TFE).  NERC states that such an evaluation is premature at this time due to the small number of TFE Requests that have been submitted. (137).  Accordingly, NERC requests that it be allowed to submit a further evaluation on or before May 3, 2010. To view NERC’s Compliance Filing, click here.