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FERC Initiates Review of November 13, 2009, NOP regarding Turlock Irrigation District

On February 26, 2010, in Docket No. NP10-18-000, FERC issued an order initiating, on its own motion, a review of the November 13, 2009, notice of penalty (NOP) regarding Turlock Irrigation District (Turlock). Although the November 13 NOP addressed alleged violations of numerous Reliability Standards, the Commission’s review initiated by the February 26 order concerns only the alleged violation of Reliability Standard FAC-003-1, Requirement R2 relating to the vegetation-caused outage on August 29, 2007, that let to a losss of 270 MW of firm load in the service areas of Turlock and a neighboring registered entity, Modesto Irrigation District. To read FERC’s order, click here.