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NERC Submits 13 NOPs to FERC for Review

On February 1, 2010, NERC submitted the following notices of penalty (NOPs) to FERC for review:

1) To see the CAISO NOP reporting violation of IRO-006-1, Requirement WR1, click here.

2) To see the Calpine Corporation (Calpine) NOP for violations of PRC-005-1, R1 & R2; IRO-004-1, R4, click here.

3) To see the Calpine Energy Services (CES) NOP for violations of: TOP-002-2, R3; TOP-003-0, R1; TOP-005-1, R4; and IRO-004, R4, click here.

4) To see the Electric Energy, Inc. (EEI) NOP for violation of BAL-002-0, R4, PER-002-0, R3, click here.

5) To see the Farmington Electric Utility System (FEUS) NOP for self-reported violations of 11 Reliability Standards and on-site compliance audit discovery of 9 additional violations, click here.

6) To see FEUS NOP for self-reported violation of PRC-017-0, R1.6, click here.

7) To see Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (MDU) NOP for self-reported violation of PRC-005-1, R2, click here.

8) To see Nebraska Public Power District's (NPPD) NOP for self-certified non-compliance with BAL-005-0, R11; PRC-005-1, R2; FAC-003-1, R2; click here.

9) To see New York State Electric & Gas Corp. (NYSEG) NOP for 2 violations of FAC-003-1, R2, click here.

10) To see Overtown Power District #5 (OPD) violations of FAC-001-0, R1,R2, and R3; FAC-008-1, R1; FAC-009-1, R1; PRC-005-1, R1; and TOP-002-2, R18, click here.

11) To see Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (PSE&G) NOP for violation of PRC-005-1, R2.1, click here.

12) To see Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSEI) NOP for violations of FAC-003-1,R1; and EOP-001, R6, click here.

13) To see Utah Associated Municipal Power System (UAMP) NOP for violations of MOD-010-0, R1 & R2; MOD-012-0, R1 & R2, click here.