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FERC Approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement with FRCC relating to 2008 Florida Blackout

On March 5, 2010, in Docket No. IN08-5-000, FERC issued an order approving a Stipulation and Consent Agreement (Agreement) between FERC’s Office of Enforcement, NERC, and the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC). The Agreement is the result of an investigation of FRCC conducted by FERC and NERC into possible violations of Reliability Standards associated with the February 26, 2008, Florida Blackout. Among other things, FRCC agrees to pay a penalty of $350,000 which is to be divided between the U.S. Treasury and NERC. By way of background, in October, 2009, Florida Power & Light Company ("FPL") agreed to pay a $25 million penalty for its violations of Reliability Standards in connection with this same event.

To read FERC’s official press release regarding the FRCC order, click here.
To read FERC’s order approving the FRCC Agreement, click here.