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NERC Submits Compliance Filing Documenting Review of VSL Assignments

On March 5, 2010, in Docket Nos. RR08-4-000, -001, and -002, NERC submitted a compliance filing and accompanying reports documenting NERC’s review of Violation Severity Level (VSL) assignments for specific FERC-approved Reliability Standards to determine consistency with FERC’s VSL assignment Guidelines 1, 2b, 3, and 4. NERC’s VSL Assignment Compliance Filing is submitted in response to the directives in the Commission’s June 19, 2008 VSL Order and November 20, 2008 VSL Order. In general, NERC explains that the filing contains the VSLs for the original 83 Reliability Standards approved by FERC and NUC-001-2, less VSLs for certain requirements that NERC has determined need further input and justification. NERC also explains that subsequent filing will contain the VSLs for the Reliability Standards submitted after the original 83 Reliability Standards, plus those requirements that were excluded from this first filing. To view NERC’s VSL Assignment Compliance Filing, click here.