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Former FERC Chairman Kelliher Speaks at Energy Bar Association

At the Energy Bar Association’s Reliability Primer for Lawyers and Energy Professionals, Former FERC Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher (who is now Executive Vice-President of Federal Regulatory Affairs at FPL Group, Inc.) delivered the keynote address regarding reliability regulation, providing the unique perspective “of a former reliability regulator and the perspective of someone who now is on the receiving end of reliability regulation.”  Mr. Kelliher discussed FERC’s and NERC’s roles in reliability regulation, the FERC-NERC relationship, and current challenges in reliability regulation.  In concluding, Kelliher briefly addressed FERC’s proposed penalty guidelines, remarking that FERC “went beyond the pale in its March orders by seeking to assert control over the substance of reliability standards.”  To read Mr. Kelliher’s speech, click here.