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FERC Issues NOPR on System Personnel Training Reliability Standards

On June 17, 2010, FERC issued a NOPR in Docket No. RM09-25-000 that proposes to approve Reliability Standards PER-005-1 (System Personnel Training) and PER-004-2 (Reliability Coordination – Staffing) that NERC submitted to the Commission for approval in July 2006 along with 105 other proposed Reliability Standards concurrent with its 2006 ERO application.  In the NOPR, FERC proposes to direct NERC to develop modifications to PER-005-1 to address certain issues and to approve the retirement of the currently effective PER-002-0 (Operating Personnel Training) and PER-004-1 (Reliability Coordination), which would be superseded by the proposed Reliability Standards PER-005-1 and PER-004-2.  Comments are due on August 23, 2010.  To read the NOPR, click here.