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FERC Convenes Technical Conference on Reliability Standards Development

FERC issued a notice on June 15, 2010, and a further notice on June 30, 2010, regarding a technical conference on July 6, 2010 in Docket No. AD 10-14 that will focus on: NERC’s standards development process; communication and interactions between the Commission; the ERO and Regional Entities; and ERO and Regional Entity monitoring and enforcement.  According to the June 30 notice, the discussion may address matters related to proposed modifications to ERO Rules of Procedure (Docket No. RR09-6), NERC’s Three-Year Performance Assessment Report (Docket No. RR09-7), and NERC’s proposed revisions to the Reliability Standard Processes Manual (Docket No. RR10-12).  Comments on the technical conference must be filed by July 26 in Docket No. AD10-14-000.  The prefiled comments of the speakers as well as the transcript of the July 6 Technical Conference are available at the FERC website and contained in the respective links below.


To view the transcript of the July 6 Technical Conference, click here.  

To view the testimony of John Q. Anderson (NERC), click here.

To view the testimony of Mark Crisson (APPA), click here.

To view the testimony of Steve Wright (BPA), click here.

To view the testimony of Greg Abel (MidAmerican / EEI), click here.

To view the testimony of Louise McCarren (WECC), click here.

To view the testimony of John Anderson (ELCON), click here.

To view the testimony of Gerry Cauley (NERC), click here.

To view the testimony of Allen Mosher (APPA), click here.

To view the testimony of Nancy Saracino (CAISO), click here.

To view the testimony of Tim Gallagher (ReliabilityFirst), click here.

To view the testimony of David Mohre (NRECA), click here.

To view the testimony of Billy Ball (Southern / EEI), click here

To view the testimony of Nicholas Ingram (IESO), click here.