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NERC Submits Informational Report on Reliability Impacts of Climate Change to FERC

On July 27, 2010, NERC submitted to FERC (for informational purposes) a report entitled “Reliability Impacts of Climate Change: Technology Assessment and Scenario Development.”  The Report was prepared by NERC’s Reliability Impacts of Climate Change Initiatives Task Force.  This Task Force is charged with assessing the reliability considerations of climate change initiatives, resource responses, fuel mix changes, and smart grid and other technologies.  The Report reviews ongoing climate change initiatives in North America, discusses some of the reliability considerations of the resources and technologies anticipated in three time “horizons” between 2010 and 2050, and outlines a systematic way of evaluating future pathways/scenarios.  To view the Report, click here.  To view NERC's press release on the Report, click here.