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NERC Submits Interpretation of TOP-001-1, Requirement R8 to FERC for Approval

On July 16, 2010, NERC submitted an interpretation of Requirement R8 in Reliability Standard TOP-001-1, Reliability Responsibilities and Authorities, to FERC for approval. NERC explains that the interpretation clarifies the responsibilities of Balancing Authorities and Transmission Operators during a system emergency by referencing the NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards as well as other relevant Reliability Standards. Generally, the Transmission Operator is responsible for the reliability of its “local” transmission system and operates or directs the operations of the transmission facilities. NERC’s proposed interpretation was approved by the NERC Board of Trustees on May 12, 2010. NERC requests that the interpretation be made effective immediately upon FERC’s approval. NERC’s proposed interpretation is an outgrowth of Florida Municipal Power Pool’s December 15, 2009, request for formal interpretation, which concerned the responsibilities of Balancing Authorities and Transmission Operators during a system emergency.

To view NERC’s proposed interpretation of Reliability Standard TOP-001-1, Requirement R8, click here.