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FERC Approves NERC's Interpretation of MOD-001-1 and MOD-029-1

On September 16, 2010, FERC approved NERC’s proposed interpretation of Requirements R2 and R8 of Reliability Standard MOD-001-1 and its interpretation of Requirements R5 and R6 of MOD-029-1. Notably, NERC’s interpretations address the application of these reliability standards to NYISO’s particular circumstances – i.e., NYISO’s use of a “financial reservation” model instead of a “physical reservation” model, pursuant to which NYISO posts “advisory” available transfer capability (“ATC”) values that are not necessarily correlated to actual ATC values.  To read the Commission's order accepting NERC's proposed interpretations of MOD-001-1 and MOD-029-1, click here.