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FERC Issues NOPR Regarding Regional Reliability Standard BAL-502-RFC-02 Addressing Planning Resource Adequacy Assessments

On October 21, 2010, in Docket No. RM10-10, FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) regarding the approval of regional Reliability Standard BAL-502-RFC-02, which addresses planning resource adequacy analysis, assessment and documentation.  This standards was developed by ReliabilityFirst and submitted by NERC to the Commission.  The proposed standard would require planning coordinators within the RFC geographical footprint to annually analyze, assess and document resource adequacy for load using a “one day in ten year” loss of load criterion.  It would further require planning coordinators to document and post load and resource capability in each identified area or transmission-constrained sub-area.  To view the NOPR click here.