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NERC Submits Status Report regarding Nuclear Balance-of-Plant Systems

On October 15, 2010, in Docket No. RM06-22, NERC filed a report updating FERC on the status of NERC’s development of a “bright-line” test for identifying nuclear balance-of-plant systems that should be subject to the NERC CIP Standards and explaining the next steps NERC will take to finalize the bright-line test, as required by Order No. 706-B. The report states that, because the NRC must still confirm the nuclear power plant’s determinations that all of their balance-of-plant systems are subject to NRC cyber security regulations, NERC cannot now set a final “bright-line” date. Rather, NERC intends to make another filing with FERC within 30 days of the NRC’s final determination to report on the status of this final determination. If the NRC determines that these balance of plant systems are not within the scope of its jurisdiction, these systems will be subject to compliance with the CIP Standards. To read NERC’s report, click here.