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FERC Issues Order approving PER Personnel Performance, Training and Qualifications (PER) Reliability Standards

On November 18, 2010, in Docket No. RM09-25, FERC issued Order No. 742 approving Reliability Standards PER-004-2 (Reliability Coordination – Staffing) and PER-005-1 (System Personnel Training).  These standards require reliability coordinators, balancing authorities and transmission operators to establish a training program for their system operators, to verify each of their system operators’ capability to perform tasks, and to provide emergency operations training to every system operator.  FERC also approved NERC’s proposal to retire two existing PER reliability standards (PER-002-0 and PER-004-1).  Finally, FERC approved the staggered implementation schedule for PER-005-1 and PER-004-2 and the corresponding retirement schedule for PER-002-0 and PER-004-1.  To view Order No. 742, click here.