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NRC Issues Letter to NERC Regarding CIP Standards and Nuclear Balance of Plant

On November 26, 2010, NRC issued a letter to NERC regarding the regulation of cyber security at commercial nuclear power plants. The letter states that NERC determined, using NERC’s bright-line survey regarding balance of plant, that the NRC’s cyber security rule includes structures, systems, and components in the balance of plan at NRC-licensed nuclear plants.  Accordingly, NRC concluded that there will not be any structures, systems, and components in the balance of plant that will fall under NERC’s CIP Standards.  NRC further noted that it would work with FERC and NERC staff to review existing Memoranda of Agreement between the NRC and FERC and between the NRC and NERC for possible updates or clarifications to reflect its conclusions.  To view the letter, click here.