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NERC Submits Filing to Revise Rules of Procedure for Responding to FERC Reliability Standard Directives

On December 23, 2010, in Docket No. RR09-6, NERC submitted a compliance filing in response to FERC’s March 18, 2010 Order directing NERC to revise its Reliability Standards Development Procedures (RSDP) for responding to FERC’s directives.  FERC was specifically concerned that there was a conflict between the RSDP and NERC’s obligation to comply with FERC directives.  NERC was originally required to submit proposed revisions by June 2010, but FERC extended the deadline on several occasions at NERC’s request.

In its December 23 compliance filing, NERC requests that FERC approve a new Section 321 to the NERC Rules of Procedure to address FERC’s concerns.  This new Section 321 would be triggered upon a finding by the NERC Board that the standards development process did not result in a standard that adequately addresses a FERC directive.  To view the compliance filing, click here.