Employment Law Seminar - Biloxi

Balch and Bingham LLP
Employment Law Seminar (Biloxi)

If you attend one seminar this year
- this should be the one -

Technology is constantly changing. You don't have to feel constantly left behind.

Seminar Dates and Location
  • Thursday, October 26 - Friday, October 27
    Beau Rivage Resort & Casino - Biloxi, Mississippi

Seminar Agenda

  • Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:15 - 8:45 a.m.
  • Sessions end at 4:40 p.m.
  • Registration & Continental Breakfast 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
  • Sessions end at 12:30 p.m.

For reservations at The Beau Rivage Resort & Casino, call 888-383-7037. Please make your reservations by 10/1/06 to receive the Balch & Bingham LLP reduced room rate of $119 per night. Beau Rivage Resort & Casino

Seminar Topics

Recent Developments in Labor and Employment Law
  • Recent statistics on fillings and other trends
  • Supreme Court decisions on burdens of proof for discrimination, compensability of dressing and walking time, and retaliation claims
  • Recent developments in the immigration debate
  • Further fallout from the AFL-CIO spilt and the Change to Win coalition
Immigration 201: The Pluralistic Workforce
  • Proper use and storage of I-9 forms
  • SSN verification and mismatch letters
  • English-only rules and multilingual job notices
Job Insecurity: Recognizing and Acting on the Warning Signs of Workplace Violence
  • Stalking and domestic problems following employees into the workplace
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Crisis management — what to do when the unthinkable happens
Back by Popular Demand — View on Employers from the Bench
  • How judges view employers in their courtrooms
  • What juries are looking for in making decisions concerning you
  • Multicultural issues in the federal court system
Immigration 101: The Immigration Reform Debate — And What It Means for Employers
  • Legislative reforms and developments
  • What the bills pending in Congress could mean for employers
In Their Own Words: Plaintiffs Tell Employers Their Stories
  • What pushes a plaintiff over the edge
  • Why some plaintiffs will take a settlement — and some never will
  • How to spot and prevent potential litigation before it starts
Monitoring the Internet and E-Mail: What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt You…Or Can It?
  • Studying the Doe v. XYC Case
  • Now that an employer has been found liable for an employee’s Internet usage, how should employers respond?
  • Could it be that “Ignorance is bliss”?
Pre-Hire Reference Checks and Background Investigations: What’s Available, What’s Useful, and What’s Legal
  • How to use available information to avoid bad hiring decisions
  • Best practices — does one size fit all?
  • Legal considerations
Ethical Issues in Employment Law*
  • Ethical limitations on advocacy
  • Dual representation and conflicts of interest
  • Preparing for depositions and court testimony
  • Approved for 1.0 hour of Alabama Professional Responsibility CLE Credit

* Alabama Only
Lessons From the Trenches: Employment Lawsuits That Were Lost — And Why
  • A look at unsuccessful employment and decisions
  • Documents and statements that came to haunt the employer
  • Evidence that turned the jury off
Return to Work and Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Legal and Practical Considerations
  • Why to do it — or not
  • Doing it right
Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Claims
  • The emerging cause of action
  • The key facts HR managers need to know
Fair Labor Standards Act Update
  • Mistakes even good employers make
  • Donning and doffing time
  • Collective action alert
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
  • As our troops return home, what are the employer’s obligations?
  • In-depth discussion of new regulations
  • Service-Related Injuries and Disability
Recent Developments in Health Care, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation
  • Is it time to sound taps for defined benefit plans?
  • Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) and Health-Care Savings Accounts (HSAs) — what’s the difference?
  • Other current topics of interest to compensation and benefits professionals
Developing a Comprehensive Information Protection Program
  • Protecting employee information, HIPAA protected information, trade secrets and business data
  • How to protect your competitive edge through technology and policy
  • Legal issues surrounding surveillance and monitoring of information systems and communications, and noncompete agreements