Liz Williamson | Large Headshot | Balch & Bingham

Liz Williamson

  • (202) 661-6342
Download Resume
  • Florida State University College of Law
    J.D., with honors
  • Florida State University
    B.S., magna cum laude
Bar Admissions
  • District of Columbia, 2012
  • Virginia, 2006
  • North Carolina, 2002
  • Florida, 1998
  • Georgia, 1997
About Liz
Liz helps companies navigate the changing regulatory landscape, judicial uncertainty, and maintain reliable facility operations. She dives into complex technical issues, partnering with scientific environmental specialists, such as air monitoring and testing consultants, hydrogeologists, engineers, and carbon technology experts.
  • What types of matters do you work on most often?
    I frequently assist clients developing compliance strategies with new Clean Air Act regulations and ongoing issues with permit compliance, monitoring, and risk management.  I enjoy tackling projects to ensure safe, reliable plant operations.  I work with clients on permitting new utility generation, carbon reduction air control technologies, coal ash management and enforcement, and strategies for compliance with new federal and Virginia environmental regulations and guidance.
  • What previous experiences, prior to your work at Balch, influence your practice?
    A cooperative approach with federal and state environmental regulators can be very helpful when devising a solution to a technical environmental problem or settling a compliance matter in enforcement. I am lucky to have relationships in multiple EPA regions, headquarters and in states.

Select Matters

  • Development and draft of public comments for national trade associations, state trade associations, and individual companies on numerous EPA rulemakings affecting utility and manufacturing sectors, such as the Good Neighbor Federal Implementation Plan, Mercury & Air Toxics Rule, Particulate NAAQS, Section 111 Implementation Rule.
  • Lead air counsel on multiple projects constructing new generation units.
  • Serves as Lead counsel for multiple utility sites with coal ash impoundments, which includes ongoing advice concerning Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule compliance, beneficial use, state permit program development, future compliance with revisions to the CCR Rule (Legacy Rule), enforcement, and risk avoidance advice.
  • Designed ongoing legal “all of the above” compliance strategy for multiple utility companies facing compliance with new air, water, coal ash, and NEPA regulations.
  • Assisted client in successfully obtaining permit to construct a large carbon capture and storage facility adjacent to a power plant.
  • Developed trade association public comments on state environmental justice guidance. 
  • Served as lead counsel representing client challenging the rule imposing Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) participation in Virginia and in briefing in a subsequent state court case seeking to block Virginia’s withdrawal from RGGI.
  • Represented client concerning Regional Haze comments and strategy, including draft of public comments to support a state Regional Haze Plan.
  • Performed an environmental audit of clients two industrial facilities for compliance with air regulations, which involved on-site analysis, employee interviews, regulatory review, and document review.
  • Developed and obtained an air permit for a fuel conversion to an existing boiler, including analysis of modeling results, BACT research, emissions analysis, and negotiation with the state.
  • Created and leads multiple clients’ New Source Review risk avoidance programs designed to review the company's projects at its plants for compliance and litigation risk.
  • Settled six high profile Clean Air Act enforcement cases with the US EPA involving New Source Review, Title V, and opacity claims.
  • Performed a New Source Review audit of a chemical facility, involving plant interviews and an extensive records review of high profile capital improvements
  • Represents manufacturing sector trade association on all facets of air regulation, which included briefing association during regular meetings, draft of state and national rulemaking comments, and negotiation on behalf of association before state and US EPA regulators.
  • Represented utility in Clean Air Act federal court trial concerning New Source Review and Title V permitting claims in Pennsylvania v. Allegheny Power.



      Speaking Engagements


        • Florida State University College of Law, J.D., with honors
        • Florida State University, B.S., magna cum laude
        • U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 2011
        • U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit, 2005
        • U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, 1997
        • Supreme Court of Georgia, 1998
        Bar Admissions
        • District of Columbia, 2012
        • Virginia, 2006
        • North Carolina, 2002
        • Florida, 1998
        • Georgia, 1997
        Awards & Accolades
        • Virginia Business "Legal Elite," Environmental Law, 2020
        • Chambers USA, Environmental Law, 2021 - present